
Victorian Death Photography & Appalachian Death Culture

This episode, the Gorgons go on a a little international, time traveling tour to talk about Memento Mori via Victorian Death Photography and Appalachian Death Culture.  Find these topics interesting? Here are some resources: Victorian Death Photography https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-36389581 https://allthatsinteresting.com/victorian-death-photos http://archive.sciendo.com/HSSR/hssr.2016.5.issue-2/hssr-2016-0016/hssr-2016-0016.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J26r0WPbPeE Appalachian Death Culture https://www.nolangroupmedia.com/beattyville_enterprise/funeralizing-death-practices-of-appalachia-by-rebecca-d-elswick/article_6f2472a4-a89e-11e9-89db-5f3c7fabf074.html https://blindpigandtheacorn.com/death-superstitions-and-traditions-in-appalachia/ The Kentucky Blue People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GYMFKs_6Ts

Witchy Craft

The Gorgons talk about a different kind of craft today! Jesii and Heather talk about their experiences with witch craft and ways they have. https://www.lauriecabot.com/?fbclid=IwAR3qxEBbI4Am4DrmzDPphLlilPd0CNdQwkUhr6nIPQUCLlWB9qroPir42fo https://www.lauriecabot.com/?fbclid=IwAR3qxEBbI4Am4DrmzDPphLlilPd0CNdQwkUhr6nIPQUCLlWB9qroPir42fo https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43626381-sew-witchy?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=pU3MFeyGS1&rank=1

Guerrilla Girls and Guerrilla Crafting

The Gorgons spend this episode gushing about Heather’s current crafty crushes, the Guerrilla Girls. Listen in to hear about this history of work that that Guerrilla Girls have been doing to call out problems in the Art industry, including racism, sexually predatory behavior towards art students, and other major issues particularly impacting artists of color, […]

Crafting with Words with Denarii Grace, Part 2

The Gorgons are finishing up the conversation on Crafting with Words with special guest, Denarii Grace. This portion of the conversation covers topics such as Denarii’s proudest achievements, Fat Acceptance in writing and other crafts, and Denarii’s work in Rooted in Rights. Denarii can be found at: Instagram: @writersdelight twitter: @writersdelight You can support their […]